
Welcome To Forrest Burdette Memorial UMC

You have many choices when it comes to places to worship, connect, grow, and serve Jesus Christ.

So we are honored that you are exploring Forrest Burdette.

We sincerely hope that you will consider visiting us for worship on Sunday or for one of the many weekday programs offered for children, youth, and adults.

Service Times

Our Sunday Morning Schedule is as follows:

Sunday School: 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Sunday Worship: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (Online & In Person)

Child Care and Classes

Child care is provided during Sunday mornings. Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM with classes for all ages.

What To Expect

  • Child Care

    You may wish to take your birth to age 2 children into our nursery which is warm, nurturing, and well-supervised. The nursery is located off the narthex on the right. After “Good News for Children” age 3 to third graders may leave to attend “COOL Club”.

    Learn more about our child care facilities here.

  • Holy Communion

    Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. As United Methodists, we celebrate “Open Communion”; everyone is always welcome at the Lord’s Table.

  • Restroom Location

    The restrooms are located to the right at the entrance to Fellowship Hall and at the end of the ramp and to the left.

  • Cell Phone

    Please keep cellular devices on mute or off during the service, please.


Rev. Dr. Joe Kenaston
Senior Pastor
304-661-5010 (cell)
Rev. Dr. Ellis Conley
Pastor Emeritus
Luke Spurgeon
Minister of Youth & Young Adults
Mike Barnhouse
Director of Music
David Shanklin
Assistant Director of Music
Ellen Bowie
Treasurer / Business Manager
Cathy Daley
Children's Outreach Ministries Child Care Director
Katie Spencer 
Church Custodian
Karen White 
Administrative Assistant
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